at the current time my thoughts went back to one of my all time favored band-songwriters based in seattle, who is on his way to put out some new tunes within upcoming summer months. during their short limitated tour at present dcfc not yet play something new but the glory days are still to come.
while i`m thinking of even that ben gibbard, someone leaps into my mind this minute not only because of a common atmosphere and producing neighborhood in seattle. joshua baez perhaps couldn`t make one`s mark so far but his very unique talent of songwriting made him at least ben`s dignified artistic blood brother. joshua`s massive music output combines acoustic elcetronic folk material and collections of atmosperic and ambient instrumentals closely followed by tremendous cover sessions of his "older brother`s" favourites. at all times with this lingering gibbard voice tuning and if you will excuse me a not too bad either. seattle, i will follow you into the dark - the district doesn`t sleep alone at night!
while i`m thinking of even that ben gibbard, someone leaps into my mind this minute not only because of a common atmosphere and producing neighborhood in seattle. joshua baez perhaps couldn`t make one`s mark so far but his very unique talent of songwriting made him at least ben`s dignified artistic blood brother. joshua`s massive music output combines acoustic elcetronic folk material and collections of atmosperic and ambient instrumentals closely followed by tremendous cover sessions of his "older brother`s" favourites. at all times with this lingering gibbard voice tuning and if you will excuse me a not too bad either. seattle, i will follow you into the dark - the district doesn`t sleep alone at night!
baezcamp (free-download a ton of inconceivable value songs. thanks!)