
video of the week(end)

moscow metro / `spirit of the city`

haunting guitar-keyboard-driven mélange / in the vein of the national / limerick city, ireland


essex wanting more than london...

i dream in colour, an as far as possible well-known but highly talented essex-gang of four self-made men have announced a further brand-new single today. lead singer richard and his brother peter judge, michael thackeray and steve daniels digged deep into one`s tuneful bag of tricks once again. apparently these essex to the bones lads are really wanting more than london. and they`re ready to go into clubbing boiler rooms for lessons teach people to try finding the courage and hold on to your heart...

/ idreamincolourspace

once they`ve said oasis have gone,
but as time went by memories have been strong!
as long as things entirely wouldn`t go wrong,
it`s good to be free. so long!


brooklyn`s scandinavian pop vibration

frankie rose spent a few years kicking around the brooklyn indiepop scene before striking out on her own path. she `s already left several bands behind. the vivian girls, dum dum girls, crystal stilts and her first solo record under the name frankie rose and the outs. it seemed pretty clear, that she was eventually destined for further projects. now as it were she is about making a new start once again.

as time flies ingredients modifies. the 60ies glimmers only rarely on her musical firmament. whilom volatile noise elements are completely canceled from her effect line-up. twang here and there. all over beloved 80ies disembarks an frankie`s nightstand. a disposition for c86 and the smiths foats around the corner. choirs of angels accompanies with frankie`s modulations. a reunion with veteran poppy sounds in the vein of the cure. a bass line, like a time machine, cleans the bottom of a dance hall up. intrinsically enchanting how thunder-hall drums add weight to little melodies. that kind of jangle-pop-mixture rings very suasive! hias, not only your musical feeling should run high...

`gospel/grace` (download-link) /
`know me` (download-link) /

Frankie Rose - Gospel / Grace from memphis industries on Vimeo.

in memorable reminiscence of elapsed time with her former band frankie and the outs remaked a formidable mazzy star cover... (download here along...)

video of the week


london`s gloomy spirit of time: 2:54

2:54 / `creeping`

2:54, london`s sibling duo have started to build excitement again with moody and hypnotic shoegaze-punk-heavy tracks like `creeping` and `sugar` comprising huge live appearance. both sisters internalizes a life-long love of queens of the stone age and participate in addition soundtracks in a memorable vein of pj harvey and warpaint, the last one they already have shared stage time with.

the begining of `scarlet` reminding their affinity for the early-mid `90s decade like radiohead but in the end they are taking their influence from a much different side of the spectrum.

hannah and colette thurlow resurface with a new single `you’re early`. listen to brilliant eyeliner smeared all over their undercooled and at the same time meolodious soundscapes. we definitely need an album from these still unsigned london ladies as soon as possible. then catch 'em if you can...

thetwofiftyfourspace /
`on a wire` (download-link) /
`cold front`(download-link) /

bloody brilliant!

What an ending...


benchwarmer? by no means! but rather une arme secrète de l`équipe

maud-elisa mandeau, backstage a bloody introverted kind of soul she whips her hidden spirit up in front of extroverted cool (what a rhytmic prose!). this frenchwoman alias le prince miiaou seems simply a brilliant jewelry indeed. and above all in effect an inconceivable energetic talent dozes under her gentle surface. that`s sheer madness, but rather blazing plain folly! amazing...

as well as her adorable lively do-it-yourself video `football team` where she kicks balls against any walls in a kittenish-violative and kind of ironic sullen-tough-minded altogether way.


this acoustic pearls first of all `football team` and then `fill the blank with your emptiness` made my day again.

Prince Miiaou - Fill The Blank With Your Own Emptiness (acoustique) from Citazine on Vimeo.

below maybe my (personal) answers to a currently overrated and slightly transfixed and shiftless acting florence & the machine!

note maud-elisa`s remarkable one-legged horizontal balance while playing guitar towards the end!