
benchwarmer? by no means! but rather une arme secrète de l`équipe

maud-elisa mandeau, backstage a bloody introverted kind of soul she whips her hidden spirit up in front of extroverted cool (what a rhytmic prose!). this frenchwoman alias le prince miiaou seems simply a brilliant jewelry indeed. and above all in effect an inconceivable energetic talent dozes under her gentle surface. that`s sheer madness, but rather blazing plain folly! amazing...

as well as her adorable lively do-it-yourself video `football team` where she kicks balls against any walls in a kittenish-violative and kind of ironic sullen-tough-minded altogether way.


this acoustic pearls first of all `football team` and then `fill the blank with your emptiness` made my day again.

Prince Miiaou - Fill The Blank With Your Own Emptiness (acoustique) from Citazine on Vimeo.

below maybe my (personal) answers to a currently overrated and slightly transfixed and shiftless acting florence & the machine!

note maud-elisa`s remarkable one-legged horizontal balance while playing guitar towards the end!

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