
from sleep-like reverie...

...to sleepless nights in alien lands.
please give a listen to these 9 bands.
10 songs pictured illustration symmetry.

null device :: travelogue :: far eastern urbane nightlife . oriental touch. kind of religious.

sleeping through sunday :: all we need is some funding and seagal :: clear-cut night affective. atmosphere of departure...

unlearn :: northern hemispheres :: assuasive antipole of an empty hotel room.

b.fleischmann :: composure :: ...rather still homeward and keep one`s composure.
chansons de geste :: my reach exceeds my grasp :: very short lulling into sleep.

black rebel motorcycle club :: i told you :: becoming more and more awake at night. sleep eluded, plagued by longing.
husky rescue :: blueberry tree part III :: dazzle-free. rubs the dazzle from one`s own eyes.

pete :: betty ford :: damon albarns` soulmate-demon. oherwise i can give no account of it... on the hotel whiskey bar not far from morning.

black rebel motorcycle club :: last chance for love :: careening into the lift to the bed-chamber.

loney dear :: ignorant boy, beautiful girl :: comfortable buzzing into quiet shut-eye.

3 Kommentare:

spox hat gesagt…

und, entdeckt jmd meine persönlichen masterpieces? welche 2 aus zehn? vorschläge erwünscht...

HiasSon hat gesagt…

also ich kann dir schon mal meine lieblinge sagen: husky rescue und black rebel. aber das war ja eh klar ;-)
null device find ich nach einmal hören auch richtig nett.

spox hat gesagt…

husky sind klasse as i told you.

die stimmung der beiden brmc songs steht in einem gewaltigen verhältnis zu der ausgewählten bildszenerie.

das lied buw dessen video, das mich aber bis in die nacht un damit in den schlaf verfolgt hat, steht ganz unten...