
soul-consoling. warm-hearted. embracing.

in the black out of light
i found a rhyme on hope
in the corner of doubt

someone left a word hanging on to me still
a comfort i say
the making of a slow day

i draw a pair of new eyes in my mind
reaching out who knows what i could find

walking aimlessly
walking aimlessly

in blue hours of dawn
before the day rushes on
and confusion grabs hold
have the thoughts come and let go

i think it`s been said enough about anna ternheim and her subtle talents in the recent past.
but i also think it`s not slightly exaggerated if i said her warm-hearted and embracing voice is one of the smartest in a great female music independent scene up to present. charming miss!

in combination with music i`m always interested in meaningful and expressive pictures behind tunes. well done miss sverige!


and giving all music lovers outside an outstanding example of her live abilties...

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